All New Transformation WSBP

Shareholders Composition with 5% or Above

Name Total Shares Percentage Ownership (%)
PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk 16,017,557,697 29.0779
PT Intiniaga Sukses Abadi 3,926,646,978 7.1283

* Cut off

Shareholders Composition

Shareholders Total Shareholders Number of Shares Percentage Ownership (%)
Indonesian Individuals 53,632 7,159,735,197 12.99760
Cooperatives 6 8,998,475 0.01634
Foundations 8 870,700 0.00158
Pension Funds 43 1,534,938,100 2.78649
Insurance 25 270,229,120 0.49057
Bank 1 21,000,000 0.03812
Corporations 463 45,803,908,158 83.15125
Mutual Funds 5 19,893,800 0.03611
Sub Total 54,183 54,819,573,550 99.51806
Foreign Individuals 42 23,979,800 0.04353
Foreign Insitutions 46 241,495,349 0.43840
Sub Total 88 265,475,149 0.48193
Total 54,271 55,085,048,699 100.0000

* Cut off

Board of Commissioners and Directors Shareholdings

No Name Position Number of Shares Percentage Ownership (%)
Board of Commissioners
1 Agus Budiman Manalu President Commissioner / Independent 0 0.0000
2 Abianti Riana Independent Commissioner 0 0.0000
3 Fathur Rokhman Independent Commissioner 0 0.0000
4 Asep Arofah Commissioner 0 0.0000
5 Poerwanto Commissioner 1,007,000 0.0018
Board of Directors
1 Fx Poerbayu Ratsunu President Director 300,000 0.0005
2 Itung Prasaja Director of Operations 743,400 0.0014
3 Fathul Anwar Director of Finance, Risk Management, and Legal 0 0.0000
4 AA Gede Sumadi Director of Business Development and HCM 153,000 0.0003
Total 2,203,400 0.0040

* Cut off